From our Shabbat dinner discussion on July 26, 2024, I am posting all the resources and video links for your review. Be prepared for the next discussion after Shabbat dinner on August 9th. We will again have a Zoom meeting if you would like to join remotely. Stay tuned.
Hidden Secrets of Money -
A series of videos to educate the public how money really works. Is our current monetary system creating more freedom or slavery to debt? Learning the difference between currency and sound money.
BRICS nations -
Latest developments of nations desiring to do trade without the world's reserve currency (US dollar)
Self Directed IRA/401k
Learn how to invest in more tangible assets outside of the stock market
Prepare, by Ethan Hope, Spiritual and Financial Readiness for the Coming Economic Storm
How did Joseph deal with the crisis? Genesis 47:13-26
Stable Hedge Against Inflation
Purchasing Gold & Silver -
They can deliver in the mail or save in a depository outside of the Central Banks
Goldbacks -
Inventive way to carry sound money made of gold in your wallet.
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain – Movie
Does Bitcoin help create more freedom, fight corruption, break free of the Central Banking system of debt enslavement, reduce wars, and have biblical values? Watch the movie to make your own conclusions.
The two most popular crypto currency exchange platforms to buy and sell
Also great place for learning. Earn crypto while your learn
Advice by Edward Jones regarding cryptocurrencies - Why they do not prefer Bitcoin for most investors
The Zoom meeting on August 9th. What is the login information? Is it the same as the Sunday morning class? Thanks, Rusty and Jan Thomas from Montgomery.